Terraform Modules Explorer

Terraform Modules dramatically reduce the amount of code you have to write for similar infrastructure resources and are considered the most efficient way to replicate services across your AWS account.

However, DevOps teams leveraging Terraform modules have no visibility into which Terraform Modules are being used, if their source is a registry or local Git repository, where are they used in the code, and whether or not they are running on the latest version.

A crucial part of staying on top of your Terraform Operations is having that visibility, so today we are proud to announce the latest enhancement to our Cloud Inventory solution, Terraform Modules Explorer.

ControlMonkey scans your entire Terraform repositories for Terraform Modules and provides a dashboard view where you can investigate your Terraform Modules SBOM (Software bill of materials), and understand exactly:

  • What Terraform Modules are being used by you.
  • The source of the modules – Registry or a local Git directory.
  • How many times are they being used and where exactly they are used in the code.
  • The version constraint you’ve set and whether or not you use an outdated version.

Besides providing a holistic view of Terraform Modules, ControlMonkey also enables you to drill down on any Terraform Module to see exactly where it resides in the code and provides a 1-click link to the specific line in your Git repository.
Consider the time you could save in identifying all usages of a module when planning an upgrade.
Moreover, you also gain visibility into which Constraint Version is being used and whether or not it’s outdated.

In some cases, multiple Terraform Modules are used in the same piece of code (main module and sub-modules), so ControlMonkey also provides a view of the full module path.

With Terraform Modules Explorer you can also export the Terraform Modules SBOM in cases of compliance audits or security questionnaires where you need to provide this information to a security officer or auditor.

To summarize, Terraform Modules Explorer solves the challenge of staying on top of your Terraform Modules, makes modules upgrade much easier and provides DevOps teams with full visibility into what was once unknown or unclear.

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Check out our latest webinar with DoIT International.

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