IaC Posture cross AWS Accounts in a Single Holistic View

As part of the main dashboard view in the ControlMonkey platform, our users gain visibility into several metrics of interest that provide an overview of the AWS account’s status in terms of IaC coverage, Unmanaged Resources, Terraform Drifts, and Console Operations (ClickOps).

These metrics help our customers understand the level of control they have over their cloud accounts and point out the gaps that require resolution.
For example, Console Operations are a source for Terraform drifts that can potentially cause misconfigurations.
However, our large customers who hold dozens of AWS accounts requested a holistic view that will help them oversee the bigger picture of their organization. Meaning, that rather than toggling between accounts to get the environments’ status, they wanted to get a 30K feet view of all their accounts in one dashboard.

So today we are pleased to announce the latest enhancement to our Cloud Inventory dashboard, Organization View.

The Dashboard Organization View is a Cross-organization visualization of all your AWS accounts, with the option to drill down into any specific account, with a click of a button.
This dashboard provides DevOps with a clear and general view of all their AWS accounts so they can understand the gaps and level of control they have over their cloud.

Do you have dozens of accounts and are interested in learning how ControlMonkey helps you manage them more efficiently?
Our team is waiting to speak with you!

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AWS Governance & DevOps Productivity with Terraform

Learn how how to shift-left cloud governance with Terraform in this webinar brought to you by AWS and ControlMonkey.

We look forward to hearing from you!


Terraform Best Practices with ControlMonkey Webinar

Check out our latest webinar with DoIT International.

In this webinar we showcase together with DoIT how ControlMonkey is helping DevOps teams to make the transition from ClickOps to GitOps easily with Terraform.

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