From Days to Minutes: Windward’s Journey to Rapid and Private GenAI Environments with Amazon Bedrock and ControlMonkey

Discover how Windward leveraged ControlMonkey to streamline Amazon Bedrock deployment for secure and self-served GenAI environments.
AWS Blog: Using ControlMonkey’s Terraform Platform to Govern Large-scale AWS Environments

Check out AWS’s latest Blog about ControlMonkey and Terraform.
Infra-as-Code: Critical Aspect for Your Disaster Recovery Plan

Learn why Infrastructure as Code should be a key component of your disaster recovery plan.
The Definitive Guide for Shifting from Terraform to OpenTofu

Learn how to migrate your IaC framework from Terraform to OpenTofu with a few simple commands.
Proactive DevOps Strategy: From Firefighting to Innovation

Learn how adopting a ‘Proactive DevOps Strategy’ can free your team from firefighting and allow them to innovate.
Navigating the Complexity of Terraform Modules on Day 2

Learn how to manage your Terraform modules more effectively. Ensure your Terraform infrastructure remains robust, scalable, and manageable.
How a Global DevOps Team of 5 Manages 100K Assets on AWS

In this blog we cover the challenges of managing 100K assets on AWS with a geo-scattered DevOps team, and how to leverage Terraform to overcome them.
Unmanaged resources and the hidden costs: Why IaC matters

Unmanaged cloud resources can be a reason for cost spikes. Learn how IaC can help DevOps be proactive and take control over cloud spend.
AWS ControlTower Proactive Controls – Terraform Support

Learn how to leverage ControlTower Proactive Controls also for Terraform, and dramatically improve your security and compliance posture.