Managed Cost Policies

We are proud to announce the release of our latest enhancement to ControlMonkey Terraform CI/CD solution, Managed Cost Policies.

Our Terraform CI/CD solution enables DevOps to set proactive Control Policies on any new pull request.
Up until today, ControlMonkey users easily created proactive cost policies that enforced their organization’s budget control on new deployments, and now with this release, these policies are available out of the box.

ControlMonkey’s managed cost policies are predefined policies, which are managed and maintained by ControlMonkey.
Rather than writing and maintaining common cost policies from scratch (with OPA or any equivalent language), we are now offering proactive cost policies to enforce the stack’s budget during the CI/CD.

Additionally, DevOps teams can choose on which namespaces or stacks these policies will be enforced, and also the enforcement level (warning or block).
So if you need to separate and divide your policy enforcement across environments, you now have the deeper level of granularity to do so.

The advantages of the ControlMonkey Managed Cost Policies:

  • You get a library of pre-defined cost policies to select from, straight out of the box.
  • Save time on writing, managing, and maintaining these policies, ControlMonkey does all the heavy lifting for you.
  • By shifting left your FinOps, you are:
    • Preventing budget deviations before they reach production
    • Educating the DevOps team on the organization’s FinOps standards

This feature came as a request we got from a few of our customers, so we are glad to see this come to life.
We are proud to collaborate with our customers on designing and building the ControlMonkey platform.

Want to Shift Left your FinOps efforts and always remain cost-efficient?
Our team is waiting to chat with you!

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